User Research

UX Research & Synthesis

We start with your team and your business goals, existing analytics and stats.

We’ll talk to real people, your customers, your users and maybe some people who aren’t.

Thinking and processing the data reveals insights to help craft solutions.

Wild Palms UX agency Logo

Wild Palms UX agency Logo

Wild Palms UX agency

No matter how small or how big, every UX design project needs to start from a point of understanding.

We start every project with research, no matter the budget, the size or scope. We aim to create the most effective experience for the user and your business and that requires understanding.

There’s an important difference between ‘Knowing’ your product and ‘Understanding’ it. Some of the ideas we seek to understand include why such a product exists? What makes it different from its competitors? How do people use it? When do they stop using it?

Even the simplest projects benefit from a few well placed questions, curious observations and objective thinking, to draw valuable insights to create a frictionless and delightful experience for your users.

The “U” in UX Research stands for “Users.”

There is no substitute for talking to real users. Analytics and statistics can highlight historical and common behaviour of your customers; It demonstrates ‘What’ they do. However, talking with users helps us understand ‘Why’ they do what they do, bringing us closer to identifying actionable insights.

To create an efficient, enjoyable experience we need to identify the pain points, frustrations and happy zones and what makes them so.

We tailor our research for each project for the most useful balance of qualitative in-person user feedback and quantitative analytics and statistics.

Making use of the user feedback.

Gathering the analytics and data from UX workshops and user interviews is insightful and always interesting, however the real magic is in the synthesis of the information.

We work with many well tested data sorting and affinity mapping methodologies to distill the vast feedback into usable, actionable information that continues to deliver value over the life of the product. And we believe the more involved the stakeholders are in the synthesis stage, the more transformative the process is.

The synthesis informs the UX strategy that leads in the UX design stage. Armed with understanding, we can create the best experience for your users, to deliver your business goals.

Technology agnostic and user led, we’ll design
the right thing and design the thing right.

We’ve helped clients in luxury fashion, beauty, fin-tech, music festivals, creative agencies, health & lifestyle, pest control, funeral care and more.

We’d love to discuss the UX and UI design for your website, online store or web app.

UX Lead – UX Consultant – UI & Interaction Design – Website Develpment